Tue, October 13, 2020

On Friday last week, during Book Week, Year 11 and Year 12 students listened to an emotional presentation outlining the risks associated with reckless driving.

Melissa McGuinness, Gold Coast Woman of the Year (People’s Choice) and Founder of ‘You Choose’ Youth Road Safety, relayed to students the unimaginable nightmare that was her life following the horrific loss of her 18-year-old son as the result of driving recklessly.

The presentation shared with students some harsh truths about the risks associated with driving. It reminded students that they have a choice regarding how they drive, and under what circumstances they choose to drive.

The ‘You Choose’ Program aims to inspire a genuine social movement for changed driving behaviours.

Sheldon College encourages all drivers to do so with caution, to think before acting, and to always choose safety over stupidity.