Tue, February 23, 2021

2021 is already off to a great start for the Year 9 Visual Art students. They recently had the privilege of getting to work alongside two incredibly talented practising artists, Deb Mostert and Wayne Singleton.

Through their incursion, Wayne introduced the Year 9 students to the world of printmaking where he demonstrated its capacity as an art form. Through this printmaking learning experience, the students were able to learn, understand and experiment with its fundamentals.

During the incursions, Wayne made many striking comments, one of which was that “students learn that we use our gifts to make sense of the world.”

Separate from the teachings of Wayne, Deb Mostert encouraged the students to explore the properties that make up a person’s face. This was done through a variety of mediums designed to understand the character behind the outside form.

At the conclusion of the event, Deb Mostert explained to the Art teachers at Sheldon that - 

“Immersion experiences are wonderful at exposing students to the practical process of art making through genuine interactions with professional artists.”

As the students spent the day absorbed in many Visual Art activities, they were successfully able to develop a greater understanding of how artists work and also experience creating art with the assistance and support of talented artists.

The air of excitement present in the room throughout the incursion certainly reflected the outstanding work created on the day.