Wed, December 2, 2020
On 25 November, the Year 7 Shining Light Project Trade Show took place in the MakerSpace of the LINQ Precinct. This student-driven social business initiative is an annual cross-curricular project delivered during Year 7 English, Science and Technology lessons. 

In preparation for the trade show, the students worked in the MakerSpace and Design Labs to produce a marketing campaign to raise awareness for Energy poverty in our world. The Year Seven cohort was presented with the social need of bringing power and electricity to un-electrified communities in our world. Throughout the project, they researched and investigated countries of energy poverty, immersed themselves in the experience to understand the plight of others and designed and manufactured a creative solution. 

The 'Shining Light Project' was developed in 2017 in order to service a social need known as Energy Poverty. The students work as small business units, to design, construct and market a financially self-sustainable solar panel light. 

The trade show, our culminating event, provided students with an opportunity to promote and sell their uniquely designed products as part of a social entrepreneurial project to raise awareness and funds to support their partnered organisation. The aim of the afternoon is to raise awareness and funds to support their partnered organisation, Pollinate Energy. Pollinate Energy brings life-changing products to millions of people living in poverty in India’s urban slums. 

As well as supporting our students, family members who attended had the opportunity to purchase one of our Shining Lights for $20 or make a donation. The students raised $837 and all proceeds went to the Pollinate Energy Charity and the trade show was a wonderful success for our proud participants.