Tue, February 23, 2021

At the end of Week 2, the Year 12 cohort returned home after having spent the week at the Emu Gully Adventure Education Group at Helidon. 

Their camp program provided an authentic adventure experience that helped the students to develop resilience, build their individual character and enhance their leadership and teamwork abilities.

During this weeklong camping experience, students were provided with ration packs for food, which they were required to manage themselves. This year, the students did an outstanding job and were still left with an abundance of food at the conclusion of their camping trip.

Since all food items had been well and truly earned, the cohort generously decided to donate them to SecondBite, a leading national food rescue organisation. SecondBite redistributes the food they collect to charities and not-for-profit organisations around Australia in support of those who are less fortunate.

 Head of Year for Year 12, Mr Scott Jacka was incredibly proud of the thoughtfulness shown by his cohort.

“I am incredibly proud of all of my Year 12 students. It is both humbling and inspiring to see them take on such a great initiative to help others in the community who are in need,” said Scott.
 Sheldon College is extremely proud of the Year 12 students for their thoughtfulness and commitment to helping those around them.