Fri, January 22, 2021

Each year, the Redland City Council acknowledges the outstanding members and organisations that make up its community through its annual Australia Day Awards Ceremony. 

Held on Thursday 21 January, the ceremony acknowledged the high-achieving members within the community who have made outstanding contributions, and have given freely of their time, knowledge and enthusiasm to promote the welfare and wellbeing of others across the Redlands Coast. These awards proved incredibly meaningful this year, after reflecting on the year that was 2020.

Once again, another wonderful Sheldon College student was recognised. Congratulations to Year 12 student, Lara Walker, on being the deserving recipient of the Sports Award. Lara received this award not only for her outstanding sporting achievements but also for her continuous efforts with helping to grow and mentor female participation in the sport of tennis.

Over the course of her young tennis career, Lara has already achieved many remarkable milestones and is certainly someone to watch as her bright future unfolds. 

Additionally, during Thursday evening’s ceremony, 2005 Alumnus and College Captain, Iain Henderson, sang the National Anthem and I Still Call Australia Home for those in attendance. Iain is an incredibly talented Australian Lyric Tenor and was proud to be able to sing the new National Anthem for the first time ever at a Redlands Coast Function.

This award ceremony is held annually in the lead up to Australia Day on 26 January and is held to acknowledge inspirational Redlands residents.

Photos: Redland City Council