Mon, March 30, 2020
Performance Manager, Alastair Tomkins, has come up with Music for Mateship to further enhance the support shown to our ANZACS in lieu of the effects of COVID-19.

Music for Mateship encourages musicians across the State to not only stand at the end of their driveways to observe the 1-minute silence that will take place at 6:00am on Saturday 25 April, as encouraged by the Queensland RSL, but also to use their talents to play the Last Post and Rouse as you would hear at a traditional Dawn Service. 

A number of Sheldon College brass students have eagerly jumped onboard and are delighted to be able to perform these symbolic pieces on a day dedicated to remembering those who fought and died for their country many years ago. 

“There are hundreds of brass instrument players across Brisbane and thousands across Queensland including brass students, brass teachers, community band members and orchestral players,” stated Alastair. 

“I am hoping that this initiative will help many Australians continue to participate in ANZAC Day as they will still experience the playing of the Last Post and Rouse coming from driveways across the city.” 

“Yes, we have been asked to isolate and social distance, but we can still be united on ANZAC Day by music and show our respect in a traditional way,” concluded Alastair. 

To learn more about the initiative and to register your support, please visit the Music for Mateship Facebook page or