Fri, November 20, 2020

Held on Friday 20 November, in the Sheldon Event Centre, this year’s Graduation Ceremony was a remarkably special occasion. It focused on the culmination of years of hard work; the actualisation of goals attained, and the acknowledgement of success achieved by each of the graduating students. 

Together the graduates, teachers, students and guests commemorated the road well-travelled by those departing the College at the conclusion of their schooling journey. 

To start off the morning’s event, Principal/CEO, Dr Lyn Bishop OAM gave her address to the College community.

“You have no influence on your past, only on your future and your secret to success is to unleash it,” she stated.

“I encourage you all not to live in your comfort zone as this is where nothing happens. Always remember that a smooth sea, never made a skilled sailor.”  

“Be that one person that changes the world because each of you have that power,” She added.

After the welcome from Dr Bishop OAM, College Captains, Sigrid Mather and Jamie Jack, gave their final and heartfelt speeches to the remaining school community. 

“Much of who we all are today would not have been possible without the incredible Dr Bishop OAM. Thank you for creating a school that has taught us to be the people we are and the people we want to be,” stated Sigrid.

“This year we have learnt that we are whole even when we are apart, and we have grown so much because of this.”

“Open your eyes a little, savour the small things and use them to fuel you as you enter the next stage of life because we can do hard things, we just did,” Sigrid said as she addressed her fellow graduating peers.

(2020 College Captain, Sigrid Mather)

During Jamie’s Speech, he chose to reflect on what the cohort was able to overcome throughout this difficult year, whilst also focusing on the bond that all students have with one another.

“We have been through a lot, encountering new challenges that the grades before us never faced,” he said.

Jamie also spoke of the bonds that he has with his peers and the individual strengths they all posses as they enter the big wide world.

“In some way you are all talented, smart, sporty, funny and not a day goes by where I am not amazed at all of you beautiful people.”

“You make me laugh and enjoy each and every day,” he added.

(2020 College Captain, Jamie Jack)

Additionally, during this morning’s ceremony 2008 College Alumnus, Jack Kidd returned to the Campus to give an unusual, but very touching speech to the Class of 2020.

He informed them of the struggles he encountered during his early adulthood, but due to the core values that the College instilled in him over his years as a student he was able to turn his life around and become the young man that many are proud of.

(2008 Alumnus, Jack Kidd)

Throughout the many emotional speeches of this morning’s Graduation Ceremony, it was clear to see that Sheldon College has supported these graduating students in many ways. It has prepared them for the harshness of the real-world and has equipped them with the knowledge and confidence required to chase their dreams and become the leaders of tomorrow.

The College would like to pay tribute to the wonderful parents, teachers and staff. The conglomeration of each of their roles has been hugely instrumental in moulding and guiding these students and as a result, the future seems destined to be in capable hands.

As we farewell the Class of 2020, we thank them for the wonderful contributions that they have made over the years and wish them every success in their future endeavours. It has been both an honour and a privilege for Sheldon College to play such a huge part in their journeys, and one which has been imbued with wonderful memories.

Congratulations, to all graduating students, on completing your final year of schooling successfully in a year filled with turmoil. Your unwavering level of persistence and resilience has not gone unnoticed, and these additional strengths will assist you as you overcome the many challenges of life. We have no doubt that you will continue to be incredible people, who achieve many extraordinary things over your lifetimes.